My name is Sarah and I’ve just completed my 6 hours of cycling tuition with Jonathan Tutte.
I’m in my mid 30’s and until just recently, was unable to ride a bike. I tried to learn as a child but didn’t really get on very well with it and also tried again several years ago, but it was a bit of a fail then too. The only other experience I’d had was the odd time on the back of a tandem bike.
My husband and I had been talking about me giving cycling another try and after browsing on the internet, he happened to come across Plymotion’s offer of 6 free hours of cycling tuition and we thought the offer was too good to ignore! So I made contact and signed up and was able to book my first lesson with Jonathan.
I felt really apprehensive to start with but Jonathan was so lovely and put me at ease. He provided me with a bike and helmet and found a quiet area close to my home to practice getting on and off the bike and just trying to ride a little way. But the end of that first lesson I’d managed to attempt some turns and managed to ride across the field back to my house! I was buzzing and so happy! Amazingly, my husband and I managed to buy bikes before my next lesson (took a lot of online searching due to the pandemic!) and Jonathan very kindly helped to set it up for me at the start of my next lesson.
Every week I progressed more and more moving to a park opposite my home on my second lesson and on my local cycle path on my third! Jonathan taught me so much each week including lots of cycle routes that I hadn’t a clue about close to my home. By my last lesson, I was cycling on the road around a housing estate and managed to attempt cycling standing up which I was convinced I wouldn’t be able to do!
I’ve been getting plenty of practice in myself and have cycled to Saltram, Hooe Lake and Plymbridge Woods! My husband (who can cycle but hadn’t had a bike for years) has loved being able to cycle again and we’ve loved being able to cycle together. He is now due to take up a session with Jonathan himself to refresh himself with cycling on the road again so he can start riding to work instead of having to rely on taxis. It’s going to give him so much more freedom!
I have absolutely loved my lessons and I’m so, so sad that they’ve come to an end. Jonathan has been amazing. He’s been so patient and has managed to stretch me at my own pace. I cannot believe I can ride a bike now and how quickly I have progressed and grown in confidence. I am so grateful to Jonathan and this scheme for this opportunity. Thanks so much!
If anyone is interested in cycle training, please get in touch by sending an email to Jonathan Tutte;